Involving Experts Throughout
Grounded in AgTM

Armed with the vision for the program and interview questions in hand, Janice Person talked with subject matter experts across the country for the various courses & lessons, etc. 

Farmers, specialists, a veterinarian and even an acclaimed author on animal welfare lent their time and expertise to Grounded in AgTM. Some of those experts are shown below. You may also want to check out the experts who serve on our advisory board, they are listed on our about page! 

Video Training & Resources that Encourage Discovery

We've all seen training videos that will put you to sleep or make you roll your eyes as you ask yourself, "What were they thinking?" Having a diversity of topics and speakers who love what they do is definitely a game changer. And this helps new employees get to know real people with deep agricultural knowledge who attend industry meetings, not actors with scripts.  

Ag 101 Experts

Crop Experts

Livestock Experts

Piquing Curiosity, Delivering Expertise & Resources

Agriculture is an industry where curiosity can really enable a lot of discovery! We've built the courses and our community to deliver on that.

Timeless, Independent Study 

Our courses are designed to be available on demand, whenever a new person comes into agriculture. These courses and the individual lessons provide timeless information that builds the basic framework of understanding for agriculture -- farmers, the business and industry, sustainability -- as well as the ability to dive into crops and livestock more deeply.

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Timely, Interactive Community

The Grounded in AgTM Community is an interactive forum where timely information is shared. We will host monthly live conversations, share what's happening in the field, barns and on social media as well as answer those questions that can bog someone down if they go unanswered. The community is easily accessed through a mobile app as well as laptops. 

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